
WSC Women at the Well


The whirlwind of life can be relentless, but you don't have to navigate it alone.

Welcome to WSC Women at the Well, your weekly oasis of prayer, encouragement, and connection.

What: Weekly drop-in prayer call

When: Every Monday at 10AM PT / 12:00 PM CT / 1:00 PM ET / 6:00 PM BST (1 hour duration)

Who: All women are welcome

Where: Zoom - Join from anywhere!

The Details

Embrace the Power of Prayer

Just like the woman at the well who encountered the living water, we've crafted a special space for you to find refreshment for your soul. In the midst of your hectic week, join us for one hour that's all about inviting God’s presence into every nook and cranny of our lives. Expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere as we dive into a brief, heartfelt devotional, followed by a collective prayer session.

Experience Renewal and Encouragement

“WSC Women at the Well” is your time to reconnect with the father heart of God, find solace in the company of like-minded women, and experience spiritual renewal when you need it most. Each session is a powerful reminder that you never have to face life’s challenges alone.

Journey Together with Sisters in Faith

Let’s journey together, supporting and interceding for each other. These weekly drop-in prayer gatherings are open to all women, so feel free to spread the word and invite a friend. Your presence will make this virtual wellspring even richer. So get comfortable, settle in, and let’s experience the joy of never thirsting again.

Mark your calendar and drop in on Monday for a dose of encouragement, heartfelt connection, and spiritual renewal. We can’t wait to see you there!